The NJ Horror Short Film maker strikes again. Only this time he didn't write the film. His girlfriend Beth Kelly is the brains, or the madness behind this 9 minute roller coaster ride.
The short version of this film is as follows: Beth just can not seem to get over a one night stand her boyfriend had some time ago. It drives her to the point of madness and murder. Things start to get really weird really fast. And just like every great horror film someone has to die.

How creepy can you really get in 9 minutes? I thought the answer was not that bad .... until now. I'll make this a nice easy read. Beth has a skill to play crazy like a champ. She starts insane and ends up a killer. Throughout the bickering about being unfaithful she continues to ask about the cat's food. Wet and dry. Her mental states drives her to the point of murder. Some notes about this film that really stuck in my mind. As stated Beth has that crazy killer look from beginning to end. People can relate to the character played by Chris who is a regular guy who made one mistake. He clearly knows she is mad and is doing everything he can to not engage and lighten the mood. Beth also premeditated this murder. She had all the fixings. Drugs, plastic bag, and a plan. The biggest WTF moment is the cats. With all the references to the cats and the food I did not see a single cat in the film. Makes you wonder if they exist. Are they both insane with imaginary cats? Is Beth the only one off the deep end and Chris is trying to make it seem normal? I don't have an answer to any of these questions. What I do know is if you like psychopathic thriller films and have 9 minutes to spare this could be the one for you.
Link to the full short film can be found below:
Also, check out their YouTube page here: https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisMagennis