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Interview With "Scream Queen" Angie Moyer (The Waldorf Estate of Fear)

Writer: Random ReviewsRandom Reviews

While we are gearing up to head out to do a full review of The Waldorf Estate of Fear I got a chance to catch up with "Scream Queen" Angie Moyer. Besides being the brains behind this Halloween Haunt she also had an active role in Hell House LLC. For those who don't know Hell House LLC you should make it a point to go see it.


Q. How difficult is it to not only hold these events each year, but make changes to better them each time?

A. I have ideas all the time. I have 5 or so notebooks full of ideas so that part is easy. Getting the work done is a little harder. We have a small build crew, about 5 of us, and we do not start until the weather gets warmer. It’s usually a race against the clock. Once the changes are made running the event is easy I feel.

Q. What made you want to create this haunted attraction? Did the Hell House LLC connection play a part in it?

A. My attraction existed long before Hell House. They chose my haunt to film in cause it fit with their story. I’ve been doing this for 18 years. 11 of those years have been at this (Leighton, PA) location. We started in Palmerton on the 3rd floor of a commercial building I own. We moved here once we outgrew that spot.

Q. While setting up and running the attractions have you ever encountered anything you would classify as paranormal or strange?

A. Little things like a door slamming shut or the feeling that someone’s in the room with you. Nothing more than that.

Q. When you first started holding attractions here how much did you add or take away from the interior of the venue?

A. We took away nothing. We added walls to weave you from room to room and of course dressed the rooms.

Q. There are two escape rooms at this year's event. Escape Hell House and Apocalypse. What do you like the most about each? How much time do you get in each?

A. Apocalypse runs when our haunted attractions run and happens inside one of the sets in Terror in the corn. So that is cool. Escape Hell House isn’t an escape room. You’ve seen the movie. You guys know you can’t get out. It’s an attraction where you “sneak” in through the open back door, just like the movie, and explore for yourself. What happens while your inside? HELL HOUSE!!!!

Q. I don't want to give anything away here. If you had to describe The Waldorf Estate of Fear in one sentence what would it be?

A. A themed attraction with amazing actors playing out a story line that sends you straight to Hell.

Q. What expectations should people have that take part in haunted Hell House, A Paranormal Experience?

A. This is a paranormal investigation with professional who have high tech equipment. You will encounter entities, there are many here. They are not dangerous or evil just souls who haven’t passed on which is pretty cool!

Q. Any advice for those venturing out into Terror In The Corn?

A. Just a question…Do you like scary movies?

Q. I know you were a set designer and a producer involved in the Hell House movies. Where can people see you in your role in the film?

A. In the first one 1st one I play Sam who lets everyone in the hotel. 2nd I’m behind a lot of cloaks, lol. 3rd I’m in the control room when things get crazy. It was so much fun making these films!

Q. Recently, the Hell House movies have been surging in popularity along with the found footage genre. How rewarding is it to see something you took part in continue to grow in popularity?

A. It is amazing. Every time I see a clip or do an interview it makes my blacken, dried up heart happy.

Q. How difficult is it to set-up the event and hire the correct actors?

A. Setting up just takes time. Hiring actors is easy when you have great people who return year after year. We only add a handful of newbies each year. We are one big happy haunt family!

Q. Were you a fan of these types of events growing up or did you find a passion for it later on as an adult?

A. October baby, along with my mother and grandmother. We just love all things horror. It’s in our blood.

Angie and Hell House Director Steve Cognetti

Q. I am sure that year after year there are certain parts or reactions that continue to happen at specific spots. Do you have a favorite part or moment while the vent is running?

A. The Bellhop sets the mood for your evening and he is amazing! But my favorite part is hearing our patrons talk about their favorite part. For everyone it’s different and I love that all of my actors are appreciated by someone. The actors deserve all the props, anyone can build an attraction, but the actors make it come alive!

Q. How long have you been involved with setting up or running Halloween events?

A. 18 years.

Q. Final message to those who are coming out this year?

A. Remember we are hear to entertain you, make you scream, laugh, cry, pee your pants! Everyone’s idea of “scary” is different, every haunted attraction is different, enjoy the entertainment! Oh and yes there will be lines, stop bitching about them .... lol!

Q. Is there anything else or any other information you would like the readers to know about your event or yourself?

A. Go to the website, read the legend, it will all make sense then when you go through. Also, get out there and support your local haunts. We are just a bunch of people passionate about Halloween who want you to have a fun time too!

Here is a link directly to the legend you should be reading.

First, I would like to thank Angie for taking the time to answer a few questions. The attractions are in full swing and she is extremely busy. Stay tuned as I will be heading out to a Hell House weekend to experience everything the Waldorf Estate of Fear has to offer. It has been highly rated throughout the haunted community. Review will be soon to follow. Thanks for reading.


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