With the massive success of Terrifier 2 I have to say I was very excited to have the privilege to speak with producer, director and actor Michael Leavy. From Will the Exterminators in Terrifier to producer and club announcer in Terrifier 2 Michael has definitely proven his raw talent in the film world. He has a long list of achievements and accolades under his belt. He also has another soon to be classic film Stream with release date pending. It is very exciting to speak with someone who appreciates classic horror and takes it to another level. Check out what he had to say below:

Q. Terrifier 2 has won spooky season this year even with the release of Halloween Ends and several other horror films. Did you expect this type of reaction from the film?
A. First off, thank you so much for reaching out and for all of your support towards are film. We all worked very hard on “Terrifier 2” and are glad and honored its having the response it’s having with audiences. I will say this, we knew we were making something special and had something, we thought it could be successful and maybe build in popularity over time but we never expected it to get to the level it has and as quickly as it has. It’s very humbling to say the least and I couldn’t be more proud of our entire team for the hard work dedication each and every person put into this making this movie.
Q. I have seen Terrifer 2 twice already in the theater. I also know that it will be released on Screambox. Will this film find its way to Blu-Ray or DVD at some point?
A. Yes it will certainly be available for physical media. Hopefully around the holidays. I know there is already a pre sale of the Blu-ray steal-book listed on Walmart.

Q. Art the Clown is literally what nightmares are made of for many people. You have the killer aspect and the clown aspect. David Howard Thornton has proven he is the perfect person for the role. How is it working with him?
A. Working with Dave is awesome, he is a very down town earth guy and honestly nothing like Art the Clown in real life, which is a testament to his acting ability and talents. It’s funny because Dave, before “Terrifier” was known mostly for being a voice over artist and stage actor. He can do hundreds of impersonations so it’s quite funny he became know for a character that doesn’t speak.
Q. I am yet to see anyone in the theater get sick or anything of that nature from the movie. I have seen posts saying that this is a thing. While this film is a next level slasher I do not think these posts are all accurate. What are your thoughts on those types of posts?
A. All I can say is we have shared what has been sent to us and what people have been saying online. To be honest it could appear as a genius marking ploy but I assure you its not and certainly not coming from us and these statement have all been organic from movie goers. We actually have reached out to a few of them and offered our sincerest apologies, especially to the guy who had to be taken out by an ambulance and we are in the process of sending him and his buddy who was also at the screening a special gift from the entire team and all of us at Fuzz on the Lens Productions.
Q. Without making this a spoiler question. For those who have seen Terrifier 2 (the ending) is it safe to say that we will see Art the Clown be back for a third installment of Terrifier?
A. Yes, 110%! Damien has always said he intended to make a trilogy. Hence why there is so many unanswered and new questions we brought to the story. I’m excited to get to work on it. It’s been one heck of a journey starting with playing Will the Exterminator in the original “Terrifier” and producing/assistant directing its sequel.

Q. Indie films have been extremely popular and in demand. When you approach a film like this what is the most important part of making it all come together?
A. Just being genuine and dedicated. Having a good team no matter how big or small that you can trust and rely on and make sure you deliver no matter the budget size. Put all your efforts into making whatever is in that little box look, feel and be it’s best. No one sees what’s outside of the screen, only what we show our audiences so that’s where the money should be spent.
Q. Sienna Shaw (Lauren LaVera) is such a badass in Terrifier 2. How did the idea of her character come to light?
A. Damien has been toying with the idea of Sienna for years and working on her attributes and characteristics. There is a lot of Damien in Sienna. I can also tell you this, it’s no coincidence her last name is named after an actor from one of Damien’s all time favorite film, “Jaws” and I think we all know who that is.
Q. Terrifier 2 was initially set to be out for a limited time in theaters. It is now going on its third weekend in a row due to fan demand. How much longer will the movie be allowed to stay in theater before its release on screambox?
A. I guess as long as audiences keep demanding it. The entire theatrical release is so surreal and we never expected it. I’m hearing it’s extending through Halloween now and we can’t thank our incredible fans enough. This has never been done before, especially for a low budget indie horror. Hopefully we opened the flood gates for more indie horror to get chances and be seen at this level. There are some real gems that go unnoticed because of their budgets and if this is a game changer for the genre and budget range, I’m honored to be apart of it, I know we all are.

Q. I have been following your campaign on Indiegogo regarding the movie Stream. Do you have a projected date for the movie to be released yet?
A. Thank you! I’m excited for “STREAM” the entire Terrifier team came over right after wrapping Terrifier 2 to work on this film. We have a ton of horror icons and names as well as some really great unknown names that will be known soon as they bring it in their performances. The hope is for “STREAM” to come out next year, exactly when next year we are unsure of. We currently have a first cut and are now tweaking and making the film tighter. We have a few pickup days left and then it’s off to color, sound design and score.
Q. Stream to me comes across as scary because it is realistic. It involves social media which 99% of the world uses. Was that aspect a factor when creating the film?
A. Yes! Absolutely. We wanted to modernize the slasher genre and exploit something everyone uses but still has unknowns and the internet and social media etc fits perfectly into that. We wanted to do for the internet what “Jaws” did for a day at the beach or what “A Nightmare on Elm Street” did for sleeping, “Psycho” for taking a shower and so on and so forth.
Q. Do you have any appearances scheduled for next year at any of the Horror Con events?
A. I’m in talks with a bunch and we’ll see which ones I am able to make this year. We do a few a year and it’s always a blast interacting with our fans and getting feedback and of course networking with anyone in the industry.
For anyone who has not seen Terrifier 2 click the link below to find movie times and dates while it is still available. I am hoping that they extend it out just a bit longer to go see it again on Halloween.
If you are looking to support another great film the link to the Indiegogo campaign for Stream is still available. This film will also be something very special in my opinion. Link to campaign is below.
I have to thank Michael so much for taking some time to answer these questions. With one film setting the horror world on fire and another in the process I am sure he is a busy man. I can nto stress enough how good Terrifier 2 is. This is classic slasher action taken to another level. Please like and share and show some support for the upcoming Stream film.