Melanie Rosedale played a critical role in the film Sleep. Walk. Kill. Not only did she play it, but she killed it. Impressive skills combined with natural talent really draws your attention to her. I was fortunate enough to get in touch with her to ask a few questions about Sleep. Walk. Kill. and her career.

Q. Where did you hear about the audition for Sleep. Walk. Kill.? And why did you go after the role?
A. I heard about the audition for Sleep. Walk. Kill. on the Greater Philadelphia Film Office website. I was just starting out in on-camera acting, and I was searching for opportunities to gain experience.
Q. What made you decide to go after the role of Hazel specifically?
A. I decided to submit for the role of Hazel because I thought it sounded like a cool and fun project. I just happened to fit the description for one of the characters. Q. In the earlier part of the movie you had a slasher style kill of your father (in the film). What is it like to go back and watch the scene post filming?
A. Watching that scene now, I still just think about the actual shooting day. It's such a quick
moment in the film, but it was a complicated scene with all the blood and special effects
makeup. I remember being nervous about the vase smashing part also. However, it all
turned out really cool in the film! But looking back, I also wish I had been more confident to
fully commit to the high stakes of the scene.
Q. I think the part where you (Hazel) agrees to be tied to the chair to sleep is a turning point in the film. You also switched gears from normal to possessed flawlessly. Is it difficult to make that shift in the middle of a scene?
A. Thank you so much! It wasn't really difficult to make the shift from normal to possessed in the scene, because I thought the moments flowed together really nicely, and I had a good amount of time to make the switch in an easy and comfortable way. That was actually my favorite scene to film. I had so much fun.

Q. Your death scene was a climaxing moment. You were all set to burn the entire house down and an unfortunate turn of events had you wake up and fall breaking your neck. Did you have the opportunity to pick your "death" scene? If not, what were your thoughts on the one in the film?
A. Nope! That's how it was scripted before
I was cast in the role. So many
characters have very interesting and
complicated deaths in this film because
of the overall concept, which I love.
Hazel's death is bittersweet, I think. It's
great that she didn't burn the house
down of course, but it's unfortunate that
it ended in her own accidental death. This part of the scene was fun but difficult to film as
well, with the logistics of falling down the stairs, and my own struggle to light the lighter!
Q. What challenges if any did you find playing the role of Hazel?
A. I was pretty new to on-screen acting when I filmed Sleep. Walk. Kill. So one of my biggest challenges, I think, was finding the truth in the things I was saying and experiencing. Trying to make these moments feel real, and really commit to what was happening. It's still something I'm learning to do, but it was especially hard back then. On a different note, I really did have a hard time with that lighter. Turns out that's something I'm not good at!
Q. How was it working with the other cast members? They come off as being very fun to work with.
A. It was amazing! I really had so much fun, and I'm glad I had so many great actors to look up to. You don't often get to work with a cast as fun and FUNNY as this one, I was very lucky to work with all of them. They made the experience so wonderfully memorable.
Q. Do you think horror/comedy is a tough sub-genre to be successful in overall?
A. Hmm, I'm not really sure! Comedy is tough and horror is tough (in my opinion), but I do
think the genres actually compliment each other nicely. I think Justin Miller, the
writer/director, did an amazing job balancing horror and comedy in Sleep. Walk. Kill. It's
hilarious and scary and relatable and heartbreaking all at once, and I really love it.
Q. I think the sleepwalking spin on a classic zombie style movie was interesting. What were your initial thoughts on the plot?
A. I also thought it was very interesting! It was unlike anything I had heard before, and it did
also remind me of a zombie movie, which I liked. I was intrigued the entire time when I first
read the script, I really wanted to know how it ended and what explanation we would be
given for the events of the film.
Q. What is your greatest strength as an actress?
A. Eek, that's a big question! I think it's that I'm very committed to what I do. I work hard for
myself, and I'd like to think that I'm reliable too, which is really important. I think that if you
put your all into something, you can achieve big goals. As cliche as that sounds.

Q. What is your biggest weakness as an actress, and what have you done to overcome it?
A. I think my current biggest weakness is
my ability to cry for a scene. It's hard.
I'm not a very vulnerable person as it is,
so I've had to learn to become more
vulnerable in life to work on that skill as
an actor.
Q. What is your favorite horror film?
A. The Conjuring 1 has been my favorite
horror film since it came out, but I also
love the Nightmare on Elm Street and
Child's Play franchises, as well as many
of the other films from the Conjuring
Q. What is your favorite non horror film?
A. About Time!
Q. If you could have done any role in any movie, which would it be and why?
A. Maybe Janice in Annabelle: Creation! That's another one of my favorite horror films, and I
just love the character. She goes from sweet and innocent at the beginning to evil and
possessed by the end, which I would love to play. And the actor got to do a lot of cool
stunts, which must have been really fun.

Q. You also played the role of Emma in A Haunting, Season 11, Episode 9, The Man in the Closet. What about that role did you like?
A. I did! That was a great experience for me. I love working on anything scary, and the cast and crew were all really wonderful. I liked that my character was based on a real person, and I hope that I was able to tell her story in a way that she's happy with.
Q. Are you a paranormal fan outside of that show?
A. Yes! I love to watch ghost shows, movies and videos. They've always been one of my favorite horror subgenres.
Q. What is your favorite genre of films to watch? Play a role in?
A. To watch, it's definitely horror. But I also enjoy comedy and drama. And anything with
mystery! To play a role in, it's definitely horror and comedy.
I want to thank Melanie for her taking the time out her day to answer a few questions. An actress on the rise is usually busy. I wish her the best of luck in whatever venture she chooses to take on next. Please like and share to show support.