For those who use or follow Justin's work you already know how straight forward he is. He truly is a forward thinker in magic. While he has published so many great effects today the focus is on his no gimmick version of 3 fly named F-Fly. There isn't really an ad copy for this one. I like putting those in so you can compare the review to what they said before you purchased it. Fear not, this one lives up to what it was designed to do.
I actually can not remember what I paid for this effect. It has been awhile. I was able to purchase it as a stand alone trick. To the best of my knowledge this effect is only available through his live lecture. I have have seen it for sale for under $10. Google magic will find you a copy to purchase one way or another.
Justin really breaks down this trick step by step with multiple angles. He goes into great detail every step up the way to make sure you have no doubt about what you are learning. The video is self shot by Justin so there were a few hiccups in there which he corrected. The thing that made those hiccups great is you know 100% that he is shooting the video in one take with no cuts. I also like his relaxed approach. You don't get that feeling like your learning from a professional shot in a studio. It comes across as if Justin is in your living room or on a Zoom call with you showing you what he created. I think that type of learning environment is optimal for retention.
As with any coin magic there is a degree of practice involved. There are the few occasions that you purchase a highly gimmicked self working trick. This is not that trick. While it mostly uses basic coin sleights you have to practice putting it all together. For someone brand new to coin magic this trick is not only a good one to master out of the gate, it also teaches you several methods and techniques that you will use throughout your coin magic journey. With that being said I would give is a difficulty rating of 5. If you already have a descent handle on basic sleight of hands with coins this would then drop down to a difficulty rating of 2.
Practice Time:
I had this trick to performance level fairly quick. I was already efficient with the slights involved. When I first got it I practiced and learned the routine. I watched the video in its entirety and paused at each part to make sure I had learned everything being taught. That took me around 3 hours. Even knowing the slights I gave this close attention for the patter and routine flow. The little tips and advice Justin gives will most definitely be worth your time. I then gave it a few test runs in front of the mirror. Roughly one hour. Now this lives in my pocket .... scratch that ..... it lives in my spectators pocket.
What is there to say? It is a new take on an old plot. This trick has two phases. The cool part is they are equally as strong. You can do just phase 1, just phase 2, or do them together. You can even work it into your existing quarter routines. I have no doubt that you will find a spot for this to fit. As it is on the download the routines are well thought out. Each move has a purpose that actually makes sense. Motivation for everything you are doing in coin magic adds layer upon layer to the HOW DID THAT HAPPEN factor. There is nothing to question as he goes through the routine. In the spectators mind everything is happening as it should. In short it is well built, well thought out, and flows as if the magic was real.
This is usually the most important category for me. How practical is this to use in the real world? I don't think it gets any more practical than this. You borrow 3 quarters and blow their mind for phase 1. Should you decide to go right into phase 2 you add a fourth quarter that is sitting in your pocket most likely anyway. I have always said that when you borrow everything to make the magic happen and give it back it no only leaves spectators speechless, but it allows them to take a piece of the magic away with them. It will be the most magical quarters they have ever had.
I have done this effect at least 100 times and that is being modest. The reactions differ form person to person as you would expect. What I have noticed over these performances is that even the hard to please enjoy it. Fans of magic freak out usually, but that is not the best judge in my opinion. It's the people who could care less or don't value magic as an art form. When I have the opportunity to raise their eyebrow and it works that is a huge win for me. This trick as quick and innocent as it is has raised several eyebrows.
This trick, even purchased in the live lecture is a no brainer. There is no downside for the price you will pay plus you get several other tricks. Definitely worth double the price if not more.
I am a huge fan of the 3 fly plot. Coins fly form one hand to other with ease. Justin does address a few problems with the original version. First, he uses common coins that are borrowed. It's actually better to borrow them. While half dollars are great for the visual they always come across weird to say the least since no one carries them but the magician. The only addition you would add for phase 2 is one quarter of your own. This is so simple it doesn't even could as a move. The biggest problem that he fixes is the second coin to travel. Historically, to make that coin travel, you had to have your hands come together or do some weird touching of the coins. Not with F-fly. The hands stay apart for the second coin which is a gift in itself. The only thing you have to be mindful of are the angles. This trick is not meant for 360 degrees surrounded performance. This would be the easiest of crowd management so don't worry. Will you use this? I see no reason why you wouldn't. It packs empty. I do the first phase of this all the time. Borrow, perform, return the coins. Should I happen to have an extra quarter in my pocket I will move into phase 2 if the situation feels right. This is probably my favorite version of three fly because you are always ready to perform a miracle.
Rapid Fire Interview With Justin Miller

What was the driving force to create F fly?
I wanted to put together a very simple and powerful 3 fly effect with quarters. Was it possible to HOLD the attention using JUST SMALLER coins?
I have tried this trick with half dollars and to me it just doesn’t have the same feel. What are your thoughts?
I think halves and quarters have their place. I was not trying to take anything away from the halves version, just a new way of using smaller coins.
Let’s talk about the second coin to travel without giving away too much. The hands don’t come together and there is no weird tapping motion as you will find in other non gimmicked versions. Was this the hardest part to work out?
That was one of the stipulations for the second coin, the hands would not come together and I wanted to make sure I got rid of the tapping transfer that Chris Kenner originally created for 3 Fly. I don't see things as hard or easy I just see them as HOW do I make it the way I want.
I think the most “wow” moment of this trick is the end of phase 1. Instead of coins jumping around and coming together you have a single coin drop and bring all three back from thin air. Was this by design from the beginning or did it just play out this way?
Great question. It really is a great fucking moment! It was designed that way. I wanted the ending to truly bring them back to the beginning so there was no way to even "catch-up." By the time the 3 coins are back on the palm, you are left super duper clean.
Many would say you are one of the most creative minds in modern magic and I have to agree.
For people trying to create their own magic. Where do you pull your creativity from? What advice can you give them?
Yea, it seems that I have reached some level of "respect" from the community (well I guess it depends who you ask lol) that will be written in the history books and it is a surreal feeling for sure, although I have NEVER seen myself that way. I am not so naïve that I do NOT see what they see but I just have never lived from that place on a daily basis. I just try to work out the most MAGICAL and most IMPACTFUL way of doing something and it seems to have found a place in the ether. Very surreal.
As far as where the creativity comes from, ahhh the million dollar question. There does not seem to be an actual formula as it is different with each artist. BUT if I could bottle it I would give it away. Although there is no formula there are things you can do to FOSTER it IF you have it. Mediation, quiet walks everyday, diet, some exercise, read books, and have an interest in other things other than Magic.
Immerse yourself into EVERYTHING IN LIFE. I have said it many times and I will die on this hill, in order to be a GREAT Magician you HAVE, HAVE to be an EXCELLENT human. And not excellent as in "perfect" or "successful" but a human that is FULLY IMMERSED IN LIFE and THE HUMAN CONDITION. I am very, very much a student of LIFE and what LIFE has to offer.
When you do that you will get MANY perspectives which in turn will allow you to SEE the WORLD differently. Then when you sit down and an idea comes, it has many forms BECAUSE of your WAY OF SEEING LIFE, you can start to PLAY with that idea and shape and MOLD it. You truly become a PARTNER with the CREATIVE PROCESS. Also There is a very fine line between CREATING and DISCOVERING... but that is for another interview.
I think that this is a superior version of three fly for a few reasons. First, there are no gimmicks to bring in and out of the trick. Second, you borrow all the props. Third, there is nothing to find so ending clean is part of the process. Would you agree with any or all of my statements? Why or why not?
I absolutely agree with those statements except for it being superior, I think it is just different.
Some time ago you went out and began to produce your own magic. I personally like this approach better since it feels more personal and less studio. Why did you decide to go at it this way?
Yea, that was a very scary moment in my life as when you go on your own you just do not know how it will be received. The choice was made when I realized I did not have creative control over my own products. That did not sit well as I have always been deeply engaged with my brand and who and what I wanted people to see "me" as. Going on my own I get to TAKE credit for what I do and I am in every single aspect of the process BUT I also get to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY when things go wrong and that is SUPER important to me.
Once some magicians hit a certain level of fame or status they become harder for fans to interact with. I have followed you for a very long time and you have always remained approachable and responsive to your fans. Why do you think that you have stayed humble for lack of a better word?
I took a page from Dane Cook (when I was about in my 5th year of "fame" in the community I was being called the Dane Cook of magic) when he was the FIRST celebrity and comedian to BE ACCESSIBLE to his fans through MYSPACE (holy shit I am old). So I made sure I would be as accessible to each fan and customer as I could. I have taken deep pride in that over my 30 yr career as a Magician and Creator/Discoverer of Magic. That also comes with its many challenges.
Justin also had to say this: This was an absolute pleasure to be able to speak on F-Fly and many life topics. Thank you very much for the opportunity. If you or anyone would like to keep up with my projects and magic please visit my website to SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter:
https://www.mentalsights.com/ and MAKE sure to get your hands on my NEWEST VANISH PROJECT found here: